OHH: Oliver Happy Hour
A weekly review of the latest new music, happenings in pop culture with a rounded discussion of politics.
We found 1 episode of OHH: Oliver Happy Hour with the tag “aretha franklin funeral”.
OHH: Episode 45
September 2nd, 2018 | 1 hr 4 mins
aretha, aretha franklin funeral, aura, basketball wives, funeral, insecure, john mccain news & politics, la, labrittney, life & society, los angeles, mental health, music, new music, news, politics, politricks, pop, pop culture, redman, season3, self-care, serena williams, south los angeles, southla, trump
We're back this week with New Music, Pop/Culture, Aretha's funeral, Serena Williams, TV, Strip clubs, and a little politricks.